Previous Year Question Paper of RRB JE 2009
Supreme Court of India (SCI) has given notification for online application form for the recruitment for Law Clerk Cum Research Assistant (LCRA). The candidates who are interested in the following vacancy and meet all eligibility criteria can read the full notification before applying online. …
CGPSC (Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission) has given notification for Application Form for the Assistant Professor Recruitment 2019 in Various Subject. The Candidates who are interested in the following vacancies and met all eligibility criteria can read the full notification and …
HSSC (Haryana Staff Selection Commission) has notified for the recruitment of Turner Instructor, Electrician Instructor & Other vacancies. The Candidates who are interested in these various vacancies can follow the post for more details. Important Dates Date of Publication: 26/12/2018 Starting Date for Apply Online: …
BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) has notified for the recruitment of MT (Management Trainee – Telecom Operation) vacancies from all over India (External candidates). The Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details can follow the post for more details. …
KVS (Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan), (New Delhi) has notified for the applications for the recruitment of Principal, TGT, PGT, Librarian & Other vacancies. The Candidates who are interested in any vacancy can follow the post for more update. KVS Various Vacancies : Important …
Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRB) has given a notification for the recruitment of Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent (DMS), Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA) vacancies. The Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details can follow the post. RRB Junior …
NVS (Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti), has advertised a notification for the recruitment of Principal, Assistant Commissioner (Administration), Assistant, Computer Operator & PGT vacancies. The Candidates who are interested in vacancy details can follow the post. NVS (Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti) Vacancy Details & Eligibility …
From a long time, students are confused between the choice whether they should go with the offline classes of a particular subject or they should go totally online. In this post, you will learn about Pros and Cons of …
In this video, question which was asked in the exam of GATE 2016 Computer Science. Question :- In a process, the number of cycles to failure decreases exponentially with an increase in load. At a load of the 80 units, …
In this video, question which was asked in the exam of GATE 2016 Computer Science. Question :- If f(x) = 2x^7+3x-5, which of the following is a factor of f(x) ? A. (x^3+8) B. (x-1) C. (2x-5) D. (x+1) Solution …
In this video, question which was asked in the exam of GATE 2016 Computer Science. Question :- Consider the following statements relating to the level of poker play of four players P, Q, R and S. 1. P always beats …