In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO The range of integers that can be represented by an n bit 2’s complement number system is: (A) – 2n – 1 to 2n …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Which of the given number has its IEEE-754 32 bit floating point representation as 0 10000000 110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 …
Syllabus for Computer Science & Information Technology Exam Group – JE (IT) 1. PC Software : MS-Windows, MS-Word, MS-Excel & MS-Power Point 2. Computer fundamentals : Evolution of Computers, Hardware & Software, Internet. 3. C Language : Structure, Loop, Control …
Tamil Nadu Teachers Recruitment Board(TRB) has officially announced the recruitment notification for filling posts. The aspirants with the eligible qualification can follow the post. The start date to apply online for TN TRB Recruitment 2019 is 20th March 2019. To …
RRB/RRC Group D Level 1 – Eligibility, Post details & Educational Qualification Name of Post: Railway RRC Group D Online Form 2019 Total No. of Vacancies: 103739 Post Date: 12 March 2019 Educational Qualification: Class 10 High School Passed in …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO The relation book (title,price) contains the titles and prices of different books. Assuming that no two books have the same price, what …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO The order of a leaf node in a B – tree is the maximum number of (value, data record pointer) pairs it …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Peephole optimization is form of Loop optimization Local optimization Constant folding Data flow analysis
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Bit stuffing refers to inserting a 0 in user stream to differentiate it with a flag inserting a 0 in flag stream …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO In a token ring network the transmission speed is bps and the propagation speed is 200 meters/μs. The 1-bit delay in this …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO The message 11001001 is to be transmitted using the CRC polynomial to protect it from errors. The message that should be transmitted …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Given the relations employee (name, salary, dept-no), and department (dept-no, dept-name,address), Which of the following queries cannot be expressed using the basic …