In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO 73. Which of the following statement is true? Hard real time OS has less jitter than soft real time OS Hard real …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO 68. A critical region is a piece of code which only one process executes at a time is a region prone to …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO 74. Which of these is a super class of all errors and exceptions in the Java language? (a) RunTimeExceptions (b) Throwable (c) …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO 63. What does the following program do when the input is unsigned 16-bit integer? #include <stdio.h> main( ) { unsigned int num; …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO 56. Mutual exclusion problem occurs Between two disjoint processes that do not interact Among processes that share resources Among processes that do …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO 45. Which one of these is characteristic of RAID 5? (a) Dedicated parity (b) Double parity (c) Hamming code parity (d) Distributed …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Q.46 SATA is the abbreviation of Serial Advanced Technology Attachment Serial Advanced Technology Architecture Serial Advanced Technology Adapter Serial Advanced Technology Array
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO 50. Consider the following tree If the post order traversal gives ab-cd*+ then the label of the nodes 1,2,3,… will be (a) …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Q.42 Which of the following operator(s) cannot be overloaded? . (Member Access or Dot operator) ?: (Ternary or Conditional Operator ) :: …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO 76. Which of the following algorithm solves the all-pair shortest path problem? Prim’s algorithm Dijikstra’s algorithm Bellman-Ford’s algorithm Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Q.77 If L and P are two recursively enumerable languages, then they are not closed under (a) Kleene Star L * of …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Q.47 Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a methodology to develop and refine an organization’s software development process develop the software test the …