In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Which of the following is TRUE only of XML but NOT HTML? It is derived from SGML It describes content and layout …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO A clustering index is defined on the fields which are of type non-key and ordering non-key and non-ordering key and ordering key …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO In Ethernet CSMA/CD, the special bit sequence transmitted by media access management to handle collision is called Preamble Postamble Jam None of …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Recursive descent parsing is an example of Top-down parsers Bottom-up parsers Predictive parsers None of the above
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Access time of the symbolic table will be logarithmic if it is implemented by Linear list Search tree Hash table Self-organization list
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO What is the highest type number that can be assigned to the following grammar? S → Aa, A → Ba, B → …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO S → aSa ∣ bSb ∣ a ∣ b The language generated by the above grammar over the alphabet {a, b} is …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO If and are recursively enumerable then L is regular context-free context-sensitive recursive
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Consider the following statements about the context free grammar G = {S → SS, S → ab, S → ba, S → …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Consider the following recurrence: T(n) = 2T (√n‾) + 1, T(1) = 1 Which one of the following is true? T(n) = …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Let L = {w ∈ (0 + 1)*| w has even number of 1’s} , i.e. L is the set of all …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO AN FSM (finite state machine) can be considered to be a turing machine of finite tape length without rewinding capability and unidirectional …