In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Working Set (t, k) at an instant of time is the set of future references that the OS will make the set …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Trigger is Statement that enables to start any DBMS Statement that is executed by the user when debugging an application program The …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Which network protocol allows hosts to dynamically get a unique IP number on each bootup DHCP BOOTP RARP ARP
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO A top-down parser generates Rightmost Derivation Rightmost derivation in reverse Leftmost derivation Leftmost derivation in reverse
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO In which one of the following page replacement policies, Belady’s anomaly may occur? FIFO Optimal LRU MRU
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO For the real time operating system, which of the following is the most suitable scheduling scheme? Round robin First come first serve …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Consider the join of a relation R with a relation If R has m tuples and S has n tuples then the …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO When a DNS server accepts and uses incorrect information from a host that has no authority giving that information, then it is …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Consider a system with 2 level cache. Access times of Level 1 cache, Level 2 cache and main memory are 1 ns, …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Which one of the following is correct about the statements given below? All function calls are resolved at compile time in C …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Relative mode of addressing is most relevant to writing Co-routines Position – independent code Shareable code Interrupt Handlers
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Goals for the design of the logical scheme include avoiding data inconsistency being able to construct query easily being able to access …