In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO An ACK number of 1000 in TCP always means that (A) 999 bytes have been successfully received (B) 1000 bytes have been successfully received …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO In CRC if the data unit is 100111001 and the divisor is 1011 then what is dividend at the receiver? (A) 100111001101 (B) 100111001011 …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO How many characters per sec (7 bits + 1 parity) can be transmitted over a 2400 bps line if the transfer is …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO How many bits internet address is assigned to each host on a TCP/IP internet which is used in all communication with the …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO What frequency range is used for microwave communications, satellite and radar? (A) Low frequency: 30 kHz to 300 kHz (B) Medium frequency: 300 kHz …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO A T-switch is used to (A) Control how messages are passed between computers (B) Echo every character that is received (C) Transmit characters one at …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO To declare the version of XML, the correct syntax is (A) <? Xm version = ‘1.0’/> (B) <*xml version=’1.0’/> (C) <?xml version = ‘1.0/> (D) <xml …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO To add a background color for all h1 elements, which of the following HTML syntax is used (A) h1 { background-color :#FFFFFF} (B) { …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO The DNS maps the IP address to (A) A binary address as strings (B) An alphanumeric address (C) A hierarchy of domain names (D) A hexadecimal …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO Let R1 and R2 be regular sets defined over the alphabet, then (A) R1 ∩ R2 is not regular (B) R1 ∪ R2is not …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO If one uses straight two-way merge sort algorithm to sort the following elements in ascending order: 20, 47, 15, 8, 9, 4, …
In this video we are going to discuss another question which was asked in the exam of ISRO The number of spanning tree for a complete graph with seven vertices are: (A) 25 (B) 75 (C) 35 (D) 22×5