Every year CSIR and CBSE hold the NET exam for candidates interested in pursuing a career in academia. This exam involves two certifications – NET-AP and NET-JRF. JRF is an acronym for Junior Research Fellowship. NET-AP makes you eligible for …
Career opportunities after the completion of M.Tech can be broadly divided into four parts. The four categories are: Going for a research degree such as a PhD Doing Job right after completing M.Tech Joining engineering college as a teacher PhD–Doctoral …
Overview, The advent of modern technology has made I.T. a booming sector worldwide. It’s hard to imagine anything without technology. And while talking about computers and technology, the first career option that clicks in everyone’s mind is M.C.A. – Master …
Preparation Tips & Strategy 1. Follow Subjects in a Sequence. There are dependencies for few Subjects 2. Revise Every Subject at least 3 Times before examination 3. Attempt Previous years questions with the topics Itself. Solve as many problems as …
A CPU has a 32KB direct-mapped cache with 128 byte-block size. Suppose A is a two-dimensional array of size 512×512 with elements that occupy 8-bytes each. Consider the following two C code segments, P1 and P2. P1: for (i=0; i<512; i++) { for (j=0; j<512; j++) { x …
We have listed out the best career options. Career options in NTA UGC NET in Computer science Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) This is the first thing a UGC NET qualified computer Science will do. Coming with a PhD degree is …
Exam dates for NTA UGC NET June 2020 The Exam dates for NTA UGC NET June 2020 are released by the national testing agency (NTA) on 31st January 2020. The Expected dates will be 15th to 20th June 2020. The …
National Testing Agency (NTA) now conducts NET Exam instead of University Grant Commission (UGC). The pattern of the examination is also changed. Currently, there are two papers instead of three papers. Paper-I is a General Paper that includes Teaching & …
This video is Especially helpful for NTA UGC NET Paper 1 and Any Exam where ICT is in Syllabus. The education sector is facing many challenges Lack of funds Expensive higher education Neglect of Indian languages Problem of Brain …
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) is looking for 3358 teachers under advertisement number 04/20. There are vacancies for PGT (Post Graduate Teacher), TGT (Trained Graduate Teacher), Physical Education Teacher, Domestic Science Teacher, Music Teacher, Drawing Teacher and Librarian under …